Blog - U.S. Computer Connection

Affordable Ways to Increase Employee Happiness - U.S. Computer Connection

Written by Garry Feldman | Jul 20, 2016 10:07:12 AM

Our IT Support company continues to grow and as we add to our numbers we constantly look for ways to increase “quality of work life” for our employees. We’ve discovered a few affordable ways to make working at U.S. Computer Connection more fun. Happy employees are healthier people and more likely to provide clients a consistent positive experience. Here’s what worked for our IT Support firm in Stamford, CT.

Fresh Coffee Mondays

Like many small businesses, we provide Keruig single cup coffee. Quite by accident we discovered our employees enjoyed fresh drip coffee. Thus started “Fresh Coffee Mondays” which included fresh drip coffee and milk. The idea was to make Monday morning special, and in doing so, make working Mondays fun. “Fresh Coffee Mondays” became an overwhelming success, so we took things a step further by ordering a fancy drip coffee system and a monthly fresh bean coffee delivery. Now our team enjoys Fresh Coffee Mondays, Fridays and even some Fresh Coffee Afternoons.

Standing Desk or a Run on the Treadmill?

IT Support can be a sedentary career, so we offer our engineer team a fit workplace. We installed a company gym and encourage employees to end their day with run on the treadmill. Installing a television with streaming services, makes it fun to stay in shape. Another benefit we offer employees is the standing desk. Prolonged sitting causes health issues, so engineers can request a standing desk which is installed on top of the traditional desk. Our engineers can then work part of the day sitting and part standing. These are small steps demonstrating we care about our employee’s health and happiness.

Fresh Fruit Made Easy

Our company kitchen is always stocked with a few snacks for those times when employees need a break to refuel. We were in a bit of a carb rut with 3 types of pretzels and granola bars. Employees were asked what snacks they would prefer and fresh fruit was a popular response. It happens that down the block on Hope Street in Stamford we have small grocery/farmer’s market. A quick walk over to chat with the owner unveiled that he would gladly make weekly deliveries of fresh fruit, nuts, and milk. An order is emailed each Friday and Monday morning a box of mixed fruit arrives to the company kitchen. Supporting local, small business is part of our company culture, and in this case it provides employees healthy snacks they enjoy.

What’s Next

We constantly seek new ways to make working at U.S. Computer Connection fun and rewarding. Engineers are encouraged to increase technical certifications. Traditions like Friday Lunch & Learns, Lunch BBQs, and the occasional box of DiMare Pastry Shop Cookies continue. Still in the idea lab is a Friday night pool party. Summer is hot and not all of our staff has access to a pool. We’re thinking about having a surprise ice-cream truck stop out back one hot August afternoon. For affordable IT Support in Connecticut, New York and beyond, consider working with our team of highly certified, happy, healthy engineers.