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Cloud Computing 101 - U.S. Computer Connection

Written by Garry Feldman | Aug 3, 2016 1:04:00 PM

Cloud Computing is fast becoming a network strategy for business. Companies of all sizes are leveraging the cloud to offer better connectivity for their business. Whether it is a private cloud or public cloud services like software as a service, platform as a service, or even infrastructure as a service, the cloud can work for you. But is your company ready to adopt cloud computing? Here are some things to think about if you are considering a move to the cloud.

How is Your Connection?

The cloud is dependent on your internet connectivity. Unless you are planning on going with one of the more expensive solutions that provide a direct connection to the cloud hardware, then you need to consider your internet service experience.

The faster your internet connection, the better your performance. This means that if you have an internet service provider that has a fiber backbone and can provide bandwidth, you will have a good cloud experience. If your internet service is prone to slowdowns and outages, you may need to reconsider.

Don’t forget failover. If your primary internet connection goes down, you will have no way to reach your software applications or data. What is your backup plan for internet outages and interruptions in service? Internet failover service can be automated, so that your users never know the failover happened. For cloud reliant networks, an internet failover plan is a must.


Location, Location, Location

Is your company spread out geographically? Is there a need for multiple locations to be able to communicate quickly and share data? If the answers to those questions are yes, then the cloud is probably right for you.

Take a minute to consider your workforce as well. Do you have a workforce that is on the go 24/7 and needs access to services or data from multiple platforms?

The cloud is built for 24/7 access, from any device, anywhere.

If you aren’t trying to serve multiple locations or a workforce that is on the go, maybe the cloud isn’t the way to go.


IT Hardware Investment and Upkeep Costs

Computers and networking equipment are costly, as is the nearly constant pressure to upgrade to faster hardware with more memory. If you don’t have the funding or the space to support this type of infrastructure, then the cloud is an option to consider.

Cloud services give you access to the most powerful processers with nearly unlimited storage. With the cloud you simply pay for access. You don’t have to worry about upgrading and maintaining hardware.


Thinking of Cloud Computing IT support and Services for Your Company?

Are you thinking of transitioning your IT services to the cloud? U.S. Computer Connection helps businesses of all sizes get it done. Learn more about our cloud computing services today.